The Haunting Truth of Resilience: Becoming Genuinely Productive
The foundation of resilience rests on the quality of your thinking. Science knows precisely how the brain sidelines intelligence in many ways. These many ways are called cognitive biases. It’s not enough to know about them; today, you must know how to prevent them to be genuinely productive.
A Resilient Snowmobiler: Countering the Norms on a Skidoo
Snowmobiling, you might be the love of my life, yet the previous four days make me wonder if it’s safe to continue.
Mindfulness and Meditation Made Easier: The Shortcut to Wisdom
Mindfulness and meditation are about noticing your thinking in a way that enables you to change it before you do something you will regret. Practically, it’s being self-aware and present, purposeful and authentic, and the practice is challenging.
The Foundation of Resilience: Awareness of Your Thinking
The foundation of resilience rests on the quality of your thinking. Science knows precisely how the brain sidelines intelligence in many ways. These many ways are called cognitive biases. It’s not enough to know about them; today, you must know how to prevent them.
A Resilient You: A Free Handbook of Secrets
With love from someone who’s been there and is no longer affected by it – and not because a relationship has saved me – I’ve collected some tried-and-true practices to become more resilient whenever you need it and for whatever reason.
A Resilient Leader: Canada’s Next Choice
It’s simple to say that Canada needs a good leader to get ahead. Of those running, who would not call themselves a good leader? What we need is a French-speaking investor-minded clear-speaking insightful-thinking and quick-acting seeker of excellence with strong managerial skills. I’m so excited that there is someone who fits that tall order.